Quarter Acre Plot Surrounded by Natural Landscapes | LandCentral

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0.33 acres | Agricultural Zoning

Enjoy four seasons in this stunning North Carolina retreat. At more than a quarter acre, this 14,374 sq. ft. parcel is everything you could ever want. Located in a rural, up-and-coming area, the property is zoned for residential agriculture. A beautifully tree lined street and one neighbor make this the perfect secluded property. Conveniently located near the main road and just 6 miles southwest of Raeford. Surround yourself with the natural landscapes of North Carolina. Act now!

Land Specifics

Property Number 10645
Size 0.33 acres
Dimensions 93.64' x 151.97' x 92.76' x 152.75'
Road Access Paved Road
Slope Description Mostly Flat
Zoning Agricultural
Zoning Code RA-20 (Residential Agricultural District)
Zoning Definition

The Residential Agriculture (RA-20) zoning district is provided to accommodate low density residential development, with a maximum of two (2) dwelling units per acre and agricultural uses. Minimum square footage 20,000, minimum lot width 80, minimum setbacks are 30 front, 10 side and 25 rear.

On Property Usage/Potential
  • Farming
  • Investment
Nearby Usage
  • Timberland


County Hoke
State North Carolina
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Additional Information

Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 39403 00 01 025
Estimated Annual Taxes $44.01
Legal Description

“LYING AND BEING in Blue Springs Township, Hoke County, North Carolina and being on the northwest side of US Hwy 401 leading from Raeford to Laurinburg bounded on the southwest by Emma Galberth, on the southeast by the above mentioned US Highway, on all other sides by other lands of the party of the first part and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the northwest right of way of US Hwy 401, said stake being located at a point where the original western line of the tract of which this is a part intersects said right of way N 51 E 100 feet to an iron stake; thence N 45-30 W 175 feet to an iron stake; thence S 51 W 100 feet to an iron stake in the original western line of the tract of which this is a part; thence as said line S 45-30 E 175 fee to the BEGINNING, containing 17,412 square feet and being a portion of Lot 9-A in the division of the John Ed Graham Estate as shown on a map prepared by W.R. McDuffie dated July 1953, and recorded in the Hoke County Registry.

Monthly HOA Dues $0
HOA Dues $0
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Original Price 27000.00 Foreclosed

Gorgeous half acre property in a lovely ranch town on the river

  • Property # 14815
  • Size 0.5 Acres
  • County Bladen
  • State North Carolina
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