Hawaii Property in Nice Rural Neighborhood SE of Hilo | LandCentral

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0.18 acres | Residential Zoning

This property is located on Hapuu Road in a rural area East of Hwy 130 and North of Hwy 132. It is about 4 miles East of the village of Pahoa and less than 25 miles SE of Hilo. The property is on a paved road with power at the property line. The beach is only a half hour drive away.

Land Specifics

Property Number 8549
Size 0.18 acres
Dimensions 133' x 60'
Road Access Paved Road
Slope Description Mostly Flat
Zoning Residential
Zoning Code RS (Single-Family Residential)
Zoning Definition

RS (Single-Family Residential): Single-family dwelling, family child care home, group living facility, and adult day care homes are allowed. Home businesses and model homes allowed with applicable permits. All structures not to exceed 35’ in height.

On Property Usage/Potential
  • Homesite
  • Timberland
Nearby Usage
  • Recreational


County Hawaii
State Hawaii
Other Maps

Additional Information

Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 1 4 048 095 0000
Estimated Annual Taxes $100.00
Legal Description

All of those certain parcels of land situated in the District of Puna, Island and County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, described as follows: Lot No. 426 of the subdivision known as “Nanawale Estates Subdivision, Unit 1”, as shown on File Plan Number 700, filed in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii, and containing an area of 8,040 square feet, more or less. Together with a non-exclusive easement for roadway purposes, over and across all streets and roadways delineated upon File Plan No 700; reserving unto Nanawale Estate Co., a limited partnership, by Warranty Deed dated October 24, 1966, recorded in Liber 6001 at page 86, the right to convey said streets and roadways to the State or County of Hawaii for use as public thoroughfares, at which time said easement shall terminate; and subject to the terms and provisions, including the failure to comply with any covenants, conditions and reservations contained herein. Being the same premises conveyed to Frank W. Haines, trustee herein by Warranty Deed from Grantor Martin Jaussaud, a married man, and recorded in said Bureau of Conveyances in Doc. No. 2003-041809 on February 25, 2003. Being the same premises conveyed to Matson Matsuda, husband of Chiyo Inoue by Warranty Deed from Grantor Frank W. Haines, Trustee of the Frank W. Haines Revocable Living Trust, dated 12/12/1994, and recorded in said Bureau of Conveyances in Doc. No. A2003-067485 on April 7, 2003. Subject however, to the following: 1. The terms and provisions, including the failure to comply of that certain Declaration of Protective Restrictions, Conditions and Reservations for Nanawale Estate Co. heretofore recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii in Liber 3992 on Page 110. Said Declaration of Protective Restrictions was amended by instrument dated March 28, 1961, and recorded in Liber 4056 on Page 277. 2. The terms and provisions, including the failure to comply of that certain Declaration of Protective Restrictions, Conditions and Reservations for Unit No. 1 in Nanawale Estates. heretofore recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii in Liber 12774 on Page 173, acknowledged March 2, 1977. 3. The reservation in favor of the State of Hawaii of all mineral and metallic mines as reserved in Royal Patent No. 7788.

Monthly HOA Dues $0
HOA Dues $0
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