Attractive Getaway in Jackson Tennessee | LandCentral

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0.21 acres | Residential Zoning

This property on the outskirts of the city of Jackson, Tennessee has a lot to offer. It is in a nice area with homes across the street and vacant land to the west. The property has trees at the back and grass in front. There is a gentle slope upward so the back of the property is about 10 feet higher than the front. This means if you build toward the back you will have a great view of the surrounding countryside. All utilities are in the area and there is a nice paved road in front.

Land Specifics Foreclosed

Property Number 12568
Size 0.21 acres
Dimensions 50' x 180'
Road Access Paved Road
Slope Description Mostly Flat
Zoning Residential
Zoning Code RG-1 (General Residential)
Zoning Definition

RG-1 (General Residential): Permitted uses include Detached single-family dwellings but not including trailers or mobile homes, Agriculture crops, but not the raising of farm animals or poultry, Two-family dwellings. Property setbacks: Front 25 ft, Side 8 ft, Rear 10 ft. Lot area: single family 7,500 sq ft; two family 9,000 sq ft. Max lot coverage 30%. Max height 2 ½ stories.

On Property Usage/Potential
  • Homesite
Nearby Usage
  • Commercial


County Madison
State Tennessee
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Additional Information

Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 057 078M E 028.00
Estimated Annual Taxes $15.00
Legal Description

BEGINNING at a stake in the south margin of Second Street at the northeast corner of Lot #2, and runs thence South with the east line of Lot No. 2 a distance of 180 feet to a stake at the corner of Lot #2, #13, and #12, and runs thence East 50 feet to a stake at the corner of Lots #12, #11, and #4; runs thence North with the west line of Lot #4 a distance of 180 feet to a stake in the south margin of said Second Street; runs thence West with the south margin of said street 50 feet to the point of beginning. Same being Lot No. 3, Block 2 of the Hillcrest Circle Second Subdivision. Being the same property conveyed by Grantor by Clerk and Master's Tax Deed of record in Deed Book 713, Page 1700, in the Register's Office of Madison County, Tennessee.

Monthly HOA Dues $0
HOA Dues $0
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