R-1 residence district:
(a)Permitted uses and structures. Permitted uses and structures permitted in the R-1 residence district shall be as follows:
(1)Detached single-family dwellings.
(2)Category B manufactured or modular homes provided they comply with the design standards of Chapter 102 and section 126-153.
(3)Religious facilities and related accessory buildings, provided they are located on a lot fronting a major artery or connecting route and are placed not less than 15 feet from any property line with required off-street parking spaces separated from property lines by a planted buffer at least three feet in width.
(4)Religious facility bulletin boards, provided that they do not exceed 25 square feet in area.
(5)Public and private schools offering general education courses.
(6)Public utility stations as electrical substations, sewerage pumping stations, provided they are surrounded by a wire woven fence at least eight feet high, have a planted buffer zone and there is no storage of vehicles or equipment on the premises.
(7)Public parks and recreation areas, as well as private golf courses.
(8)One non-illuminated sign advertising the sale or rent of the land or building upon which it is located. Such sign shall not exceed four square feet in area, two linear feet in length, two linear feet in height.
(9)Noncommercial greenhouses.
(10)Accessory buildings, provided such shall be permitted only in a rear yard and shall be not less than ten feet from any property line; provided, however, that a detached garage may be permitted in a side yard if it does not project beyond the front of the house.
(11)Customary home occupations, including the professional offices of a physician, dentist, musician, lawyer, artist and engineer conducted within the dwelling.
(12)Private swimming pools and tennis courts.
(b)Prohibited uses and structures. Prohibited uses and structures in the R-1 residence district shall be as follows:
(1)Medical marijuana dispensing facilities.