R-1 (Low Density Residential): The purpose of the LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE (R-1) is to designate areas that are and will be suitable for traditional smaller lot(s) with single family homes and related compatible or accessory uses. Typically the R-1 Zones are to be characterized by single family residential subdivisions. The maximum density for the R-1 Zone shall not exceed five (5) dwelling units per (net) acre, except that an increase for density bonus consideration, and/or an increase under Division 3, Chapter 1, may be considered. No new R- 1 development shall be allowed unless full infrastructure, which at a minimum shall include sewer, water treatment and streets meeting County standards are provided. The following uses are permitted in the R-1 Zone provided they meet the requirements of this Title: a) Community related recreational facility owned publicly or by an association of area property owner(s). b) Community vegetable gardens c) Elementary school (public, charter, private) d) Guest house, provided it does not contain a kitchen and has no independent utility connections e) High school (public) f) Junior high school (public) g) Large Family Daycare Home as defined by CA Health & Safety Code Section 1597.46 h) One Mobile home; or one manufactured home; or one factory built home i) Public fire station/Police station j) Public parks/playgrounds k) Public swimming pool l) R.V. only as a temporary use during construction of the single family residence, and not to exceed one year total time and only with an active building permit, (reference 90405 et seq.) m) Residential accessory structure(s) (including cargo containers provided they meet architectural standards as defined herein Division 14) n) Residential care facility serving five (5) or less. o) Single family dwelling [conventional/or manufactured] p) Small Family Daycare as defined by CA Health & Safety Code Section 1597.44 & 1597.45 q) Solar energy extraction generation provided that it is for on-site consumption only. Min Lot size: Except as otherwise provided within this Title, no lot/parcel or portion thereof within the R-1 Zone shall contain less than 6000 sq. ft. net.